SY-300 - Steel Pan patch Request

Started by udarnick, January 23, 2019, 01:39:07 PM

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Anyone created a patch that sounds like steelpan?  My family and friends from Trinidad where steelpan was created don't think the patch I created sounds like steelpan. If so, could you post it please.


That sounds like a great patch .....!!



If you're OK with a separate pedal, the EHX Key 9 has really good steel pan.

I use it when we play 'St. Thomas,' very convincing.
ES Les Paul, internal Roland GK
Boss SY-1000, Valeton Coral Amp pedal
Morningstar MC8 & MC6
QSC CP8 powered speaker


there actually is a fantastic steel pan patch I have. I got it from. geez. where did I get it from? i think its on the sy300 tone studio thing. yeah its from that. 'classic synth collection, ' thats in there, along with 9 others.